About Adelina

Living the reality of your most joyous desires is your true path and purpose here. 

You are meant to embody the fullest expression of your freest, most empowered and authentic version of the never-again-in-the-vastness-of-the-Universe You – unencumbered by the conditioning of family and culture.

Your inheritance is nothing other than creating a life of abundance and fulfillment! One that is uniquely yours.

Because this, dearest, is your true nature.


I know this to be true for you because I’ve walked this path myself.

A few years back on a New Year’s Eve, I wasn’t only writing in my journal –

I was pouring out every once of my being about how much I wanted to heal the life I was living at the time – a life that felt was falling apart everywhere I looked. 

I was a university student suffering from PTSD and several chronic illnesses, fearing I won’t get to reach my late 20’s.

I felt entirely desperate and lost, not knowing what I was doing with my life nor who I was.

I was trapped in self-loathing and worthlessness, and I was in a relationship that brought up my deepest wounds. 

A few years back on a New Year’s Eve, I wasn’t only writing in my journal –

I was pouring out every once of my being about how much I wanted to heal the life I was living at the time – a life that felt was falling apart everywhere I looked. 

I was a university student suffering from PTSD and several chronic illnesses, fearing I won’t get to reach my late 20’s.

I felt entirely desperate and lost, not knowing what I was doing with my life nor who I was.

I was trapped in self-loathing and worthlessness, and I was in a relationship that brought up my deepest wounds. 

I had hit rock bottom. And because I felt there was nowhere to turn to, I turned within.

At that moment, something inside of me rose and made the decision to do everything in my power to transform myself and fulfill the purpose I felt I had (while strangely, not knowing what that was). 

I started reading all the personal development books I felt drawn to and I started applying everything I was learning. In no time, I simply couldn’t stop!

I was reconnecting with my passion for healing and psychology and I started feeling like I was coming back to life. 


Like I was remembering something.

Very soon after, I found myself wanting more. I wanted to find a way to true, lasting healing – one that would resolve the root cause of my negative patterns. I simply wasn’t satisfied with the idea of constant work on the same issues.

Later that same year, I was working with a nutritionist from the US to improve my health, when suddenly I was urged to take a look at my emotions for contributors to what was going on with my body.

And that’s how I discovered EFT Tapping: this strange-looking, emotional healing technique I saw was offering people results, freedom and healing, at such a level, I found it very hard to believe at the time. 

But after months of resistance, I was finally ready to give it a try.

Once I did, I started shedding all the heavy layers of fear, guilt, shame and inauthenticity I had taken on (and feared I’d have to live with, for the rest of my life). My body then started responding to the new reality I was creating for myself. 

I was becoming a living, breathing example of what was truly possible – and there was no going back!

Because I was born in a small village in Southern Romania, shortly after the Communist Revolution,  I grew up in a society in which freedom of expression, authenticity, and a daring mind had long been feared.

A world in which the women around me had witnessed and experienced lack of permission to be themselves fully, abuse, and who had been stripped of their power. Instead, I watched how hard work, soul-aching suffering and self-neglect had replaced their stories. 

Yet I knew that was not our truth and those did not have to be our stories.

Because of my own journey of healing and thriving beyond what I could have ever imagined to be possible for me –

I have unshakable confidence in what’s possible for you!

I hope you’ll join me in this incredible adventure of growth, magic and wonder – for yourself, for all women on the Planet today, and for those who are yet to come. 

It is my honor to have had the opportunity to share my experience with you! Thank you for reading this far!  

With all my love and support,


Because of my own journey of healing and thriving beyond what I could have imagined to be possible for me –

I have unshakable confidence in what’s possible for you! 

I hope you’ll join me in this incredible adventure of growth, magic and wonder – for yourself, for all women on the Planet today, and for those who are yet to come. 

If you’ve read this far, I’m honored to have had the opportunity to share my experience with you!  

With all my love and support,


While there are many EFT styles and variations out there, Adelina is one of the few practitioners I’ve known who spent years teaching herself from our material, and learned it exactly as we had intended.  Our certification process definitely deepened her skills and gave her a more advanced perspective on difficult cases, but she is a natural fit for Gold Standard EFT which has the power to heal decades of trauma.

As I’m sure you will learn from her material, Adelina also has her own experience recovering and healing through significant life challenges, which gives her a unique ability to relate to her clients and navigate through their issues.

Personally, Adelina struck me as a bright, articulate, tenacious professional who can learn and develop in any way she chooses. I am honored to say that I have evaluated her work and certified her in the art of Gold Standard EFT, and I will always regret that I did not have that pleasure sooner. I highly recommend her practice to anyone who wants the most that EFT has to offer.

Tina Craig

Director, Gold Standard EFT Certification Program, www.eftcertification.com


Certified Gold Standard (Official) EFT Practitioner issued by Tina Craig, Director Gold Standard EFT Certification Program

Certified Vocational Counselor issued by ARIS S.A Baia Mare, Romania


English: The information provided by Adelina Treitli as well as the information on this website is not offered with the purpose of diagnosing, treating or curing any medical conditions. Adelina Treitli is not a licensed medical practitioner and offers her services as a personal performance coach.

Română: Informațiile oferite pe acest website nu sunt oferite de către Adelina Treitli cu scopul diagnosticării sau tratării diagnosticelor medicale. Adelina Treitli nu este cadru medical licențiat și iși oferă serviciile ca și ghid de dezvoltare personală.

All rights reserved.