Here in the Northern Hemisphere we are well into the energy of Emergence with Mother Nature doing Her enchanting spring dance.

The day before my country celebrates Easter, with the whole town quiet after a long day’s work of preparations, I shifted into a meditative state while riding my bike through the nearby hills.

Every time I go out in nature and allow myself to be still and open, I always receive powerful yet simple, messages.

And this time I connected to my wishes for all of us at this challenging and confusing point (still) in our history.

I was reminded of the eternal strength of our spirit that’s always far beyond and greater than our problems (no matter how big they might be), and of the forces at play in our lives.

May this season of Rebirth bring you a renewal of your energy, a renewal of your state of mind, a renewal of your spirit’s certainty.
My wish is that in the midst of Mother Nature’s awakening from Her deep, restorative sleep, we may emerge alongside Her.
That among the fresh green, the bright colours and smells we’re now bathing in, we may also find within ourselves these very same qualities, in spite of having had a hard year and having seen the world we once knew change before our eyes:
The ability to trust in the process of life when the outside world finds itself in chaos, as it does now, just like we trusted in the arrival of spring.
The confidence to go into resting and pausing without guilt, without worry about what we’re missing out on, or fear of what will happen if we take our hands off the wheel.
Because you know that after the pause, after rest, there comes the spring of your spirit, a lightness, an ease that emerges from your being that makes dealing with life’s challenges so much more doable.
It also opens up solutions and possibilities you could never have reached from the previous state of heaviness and depletion.
A youthful, agile mindset of starting over, after a setback in your life, with a heart, just as open as if you were starting for the first time.
And the relentless will to every day, affirm your desire and willingness to align with All That’s Good in the world, with the flow of life itself, that’s always there, always available.
At any point in time, unconditionally for each and every single one of us.
The relentlessness to not get lost in the slumber perhaps those around you are living in, the relentlessness to not lose your inner clarity and become trapped in the illusions of the outer world, the illusions of lower consciousness and ego.
The very same forces and laws that govern the natural world, are at work in everything else in our concrete, practical, material lives.

Trust in this Truth.

Sit in the stillness of Mother Nature, empty yourself, and She will remind you of it.

With love and support for your renewal,
