Hello dearest,

If you’ve been following this Series on starting your year with powerful goals and intentions, you are well on your way to creating a fulfilling year, a year in which you can say you have Truly Lived!

I’m so excited for what’s possible for you and your life, because it is!

In this final video of this series, we will cover the 2 elements left of what I call the “Triad of Manifesting”, which is essentially 3 practices that if you integrate in your week as months go by, you are guaranteed to make things happen in the direction of your desired vision – because the laws of the Universe are always at work!

In the previous post we talked about the 1st element, the power of Visualization combined with the power of Feminine emotion. The remaining 2 elements as you’ll see, go hand in hand, always, and they are also the perfect recipe to making consistent progress without feeling overwhelmed or tempted by the idea of giving up on your vision altogether.

(If you'd like to receive this FREE 4 PART VIDEO SERIES ON HOW TO SET POWERFUL GOALS & INTENTIONS for the year, SIGN UP HERE and you will receive all the materials in one email so you can have everything organized in one place and refer back to it throughout the year.)

(Acess Your FREE TRAINING: Release Your Block to Your Desire & Tap Into Your True Manifesting Power, HERE)

Now you know the type of positive shifts that start to take place inside of you when you direct your energy towards those things that will feed you in return, and when you do your best to move forward (without knowing all the steps to your vision, or without having to do everything perfectly – just doing your best from where you are right now).

You have also connected to an authentic soul vision, a North Star, there to serve as your compass on your journey to materializing your desires this year.

You have also learned the 3 practices in the “Triad of Manifesting” and how to implement them.

Therefore, I’d like you to remember now, that every single time you connect to your end-goal vision from your heart and make an affirmation to the Universe through your actions, sending a clear message that you’re ready to receive more, you are summoning  support and guidance far beyond anything you could predict or expect.

With much love and support,
