Hello dearest,

I hope you are enjoying this journey towards creating the most fulfilling and fabulous year for you, yet!

In the last post, we did a short yet impactful exercise that is really, the first and the most important step to take when setting out to reach our goals and intentions for the year.

If you haven’t had the chance to go through it, I’m inviting you to return to it, do it in your journal (it takes less than 10 mins.) and then return to this post, because this will become your “North Star”, your guiding light that will keep you on track as the months go by and also, we will keep referring back to it in the remaining of our series.

In this 3rd video, we will start putting the wheels of the Universe in motion for you using Visualization. This tool has been validated by our modern science time and again and it’s something that can be found in the wisdom traditions of many cultures around the world, as well.

I simply love how powerful Visualization can be, if done right! You can begin attracting opportunities, get wonderful ideas, and essentially have life bring you all the resources you need to reach your destination with so much more ease!

(If you'd like to receive this FREE 4 PART VIDEO SERIES ON HOW TO SET POWERFUL GOALS & INTENTIONS for the year, SIGN UP HERE and you will receive all the materials in one email so you can have everything organized in one place and refer back to it throughout the year.)

(Acess Your FREE TRAINING: Release Your Block to Your Desire & Tap Into Your True Manifesting Power, HERE)

Be willing to commit to this practice and in the next video, we will be completing what I call “The Triad of Manifesting”: 3 elements that if you implement into your weekly schedule, you will make things happen in the direction of your vision, because the laws of the Universe are always at work!

All that we need do is to start using them consciously.

With much love and support,
