The hibernation season is drawing to an end here in the Northern Hemisphere and we are starting to feel Mother Nature’s energy shift towards a new cycle of creation.

With the day growing longer and the Sun moving closer, we are bound to feel like emerging from winter’s cocoon within the next couple weeks!

That is why this is the perfect time of year to set the stage for manifesting a truly fulfilling and fabulous next 12 months, in alignment with the Feminine, in alignment with our Goddess Earth.

So I wanted to take you on a journey of setting powerful goals and intentions together for the year that has just started, because this annual practice can have a tremendous impact on your ability to create your desired life!

(I’ve come to love this time of year so much, mainly because of this uplifting and exciting habit I got into about 5 years ago, and the things I’ve come to create as a result of it have been truly amazing!)

Let’s begin this Free, 4 Part Video Series I’ve created for you with the “3 Powerful Changes That Take Place Within Us When Annually Setting Goals and Intentions”.

(If you'd like to receive this FREE 4 PART VIDEO SERIES ON HOW TO SET POWERFUL GOALS & INTENTIONS for the year, SIGN UP HERE and you will receive all the materials in one email so you can have everything organized in one place and refer back to it throughout the year.)

(Acess Your FREE TRAINING: Release Your Block to Your Desire & Tap Into Your True Manifesting Power, HERE)

Because it’s not only about getting clear about a vision and materializing it, it’s also about who we become in the process. Exactly like in the hero’s journey, we will simply not be the same person we used to be.

We want to be living our wildest dreams and manifest our deepest desires, we want to have that soul life partner, the fulfilling work, the abundance, the dream home, the thrilling vacation (whatever your authentic desire might be) but our Souls will want them ALSO so that we can discover for ourselves who we truly are.

Powerful, creative forces of the Universe.

With much love and support,
