Stopping ourselves in our tracks, getting in our own way, suddenly losing the drive to  keep moving forward –

The phenomenon we know as self-sabotage that seems to sneak up on us every time we really step outside the reality we’ve been so used to.

Whenever we read a book, attend a workshop, do an online course, we feel that drive, that enthusiasm, that motivation, which then propels us to start taking steps in the direction of our passion, our goals, our healing.

But suddenly, we can find ourselves “losing steam”, getting distracted, second-guessing ourselves and moving right back to where we started, or unknowingly causing disruption in other areas of our lives so that our reality continues to match the very reality we wish to leave behind.

(Yes, that’s how our systems programmed for survival work!)

That’s why I wanted to share with you this video in which I go over the 5 most common forms that self-sabotage tends to take.

So you can identify them when they start coming up for you (because self-sabotage never makes itself seen clearly in our minds, it always “works form the shadows”) –

And the practices that will help you move beyond it and actually reach your goal! 🙂

In which ways does self-sabotage usually show up for you? Did you have an „Aha!” moment during the video? I’d love to hear!

Leave your comment below!

With much love,
