Hello dearest,

I hope you’ve been motivated and inspired by the 3 positive shifts that take place within us when starting the year by setting powerful goals and intentions, which I’ve shared with you in the previous post of this series.

Now we are ready to take the first step, and not just in any way, in the most powerful way we can: starting with our soul vision for what we want to create by the end of the year.

Most of us have lived our lives in the space of our intellect, of our logical, rational mind, and while this may have definitely served us in many ways, when it comes to manifesting an authentic, fulfilling, fabulous outcome (whatever that may be for us, the soul mate, the dream job, the thrilling vacation, the promotion), we must start backwards, with an end vision that literally “wakes up” our heart space.

This is key in setting ourselves up for success and making sure we will have the drive and the fuel to keep moving in that direction as the months go by, when the doubts inevitably come up, when the unpredictable shows up, when our internal blocks want to get in our own way.

So in this second video, I’m sharing with you a short yet impactful exercise that will help you create the “guiding North Star” of your Goals and Intentions for this year.

(If you'd like to receive this FREE 4 PART VIDEO SERIES ON HOW TO SET POWERFUL GOALS & INTENTIONS for the year, SIGN UP HERE and you will receive all the materials in one email so you can have everything organized in one place and refer back to it throughout the year.)

(Acess Your FREE TRAINING: Release Your Block to Your Desire & Tap Into Your True Manifesting Power, HERE)

You will need your journal, a pen, and a few minutes to yourself without being interrupted. This exercise will lay the foundation for the next steps we are about to take in this series.

So allow yourself to connect, get clear, feel your vision, feel the positive emotional response in your body and you are one step closer to creating a memorable year!

With much love and support,
